How to download and install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 database and SQL Server Management Studio

How to install Microsoft sequel server 2019 database system and 
it was how to install single server 
management studio so if this is the 
first time you're installing
single server civil service a database system which 
allows you to store databases and the 
tables but to be able to write sequel 
statements to create the assets from 
your tables you have to use sequel server management studio or other third 
party tools personally I found Sukho server management studio to be the 
best tool to work with 
anyway let's get started so the first 
step is you want to go to Microsoft 
school server downloads page and I'll post a link in the description below so 
once you get to this page you have two 
options so you can download the 
developer edition you can download the 
Express Edition the differences between these two Edition is that the developer edition gives you four features over standard Microsoft school server parts 
when it comes to license you can only 
use single server developer edition for 
developments and testing you cannot use 
the developer edition for any production 
types of work first if you use the 
Express Edition and which is a little 
bit watered down so you get 10 gigabyte of storage and one kick-out by up memory.
but with the Express Edition you don't 
have to worry too much about license you 
can use the Express Edition for 
production development these can be for your desktop application and web 
application I'll be using the developer 
edition for demonstration the setup 
process for the developer edition and 
the Express Edition basically the same 
so here I'm going to click on download now and I'll do download the file so you 
want to don't sell a file to your local 
drive and the name is gonna be sequel 
2019 and - and based on the Edition you are installing so the name may be a little bit different 
and once you finish I'll download the 
file so here me go back to my download 
folder you want to double click the file 
and to launch the installation process so you get three options so basic custom 
in download media and I'll skip download 
media the difference between basic and the custom is the weight custom you can choose what features that I want to include first we basic it comes with basically all the tools that you need to start working with Microsoft's core server so if this is the first time you're installing the sequel server database they all suggest you choose basic so here I'm going to choose basic and you want to go to the License Agreement and once you're finished reading everything you can click on accept and here you want to choose your 
installation location for the dietary 
location while live does default and 
click on install 
and once the installation is finished so 
here we get four different items the 
first item is the instance name so this 
is basically your secret server address 
and I'll just leave this as default and 
the second item is the lock so every 
time when you do something you go serve 
is going to create a log file and the 
log file is going to be safe within this 
theater right here and for the sequel 
engines and version file so I'll 
basically leave those as default and 
that's it if you want to make sure that 
you're sick of silver their base is installed successfully you want to go down Colette know 
a command prompt window will display and 
what shows the the Microsoft's ago 
server version information in here it 
shows my current Microsoft goes over 
their base 
ice is 2019 and version 15 point O so if 
you don't see this message that means 
you see go server their base is not 
installed correctly and if that's the case you might have to install the whole 
thing on from scratch and once you 
finish installs your server their base 
you want to install a secure server 
management studio so to install single 
server management studio you want to 
click on install SMS and now takes you 
to the civil servant management studio 
installation page so if I using secure 
server 2017 they use the same version of 
single server management studio so once you get to this page and I'll post a link in the description below so I want to click on download single server 
management studio link and click on save 
file and save this file to your to your 
local drive and only down the file so 
let me go back to my download folder and so double click on the file and to launch the Salaf process and the seller 
screen is going to appear here you can 
choose the location where you want to 
install single server management studio 
and amatuer going to change my my 
location if you're not sure on the 
location we want to install single 
server management studio just leave this 
as default but for me i'm going to 
change my photo location to two software 
so just the folder where I save all my 
software files in click on install you 
and once the installation is complete 
and in close this window 
so if you go back to your programs and you should see our so if you do a search 
for sequel server management studio and 
you should see our Microsoft sequel 
server management studio 18 it's now 
installed on your PC so click the program 
so make sure you're going to close these.
I'll close this window as well okay and 
now this the the login page if you don't 
see your server name display under the 
server name so you want to click on this drop down and click on browse for more so under the database engine folder so this our oldest group it's going to list or your Seco server instances so I 
actually have two single server 
instances I'm going to choose the first 
one and click on connect and now you 
connect to your secure server database 
so if you open a new query and if you 
type select and the @ symbol server 7e 
and click on seq and that's going to each time your server name all right.


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